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I shall post some news of interest to Sri lankans about life in Sri Lanka in the period 1950-1960 mainly. This will feature articles on music, general history and medicine. I am dedicated to humanism and refuse to judge people according to labels they are born with. Their actions and behaviour shall be my yardsticks, always cognizant of the challenges they faced in life.

Monday, 3 August 2020

Individual belief and community responsibility

I have grappled with these issues for a long time and I like to share my understanding in a few sentences.

We are generally talking of beliefs. This is circumscribed by some as just what they believe without extending it to a belief that they have “realised the truth”, and that their view is the correct one, implying that others are wrong.

Others believe very strongly that they are correct in a similar manner but are willing to concede that within the limits of human capability, there is a possibility that they may have got it wrong. Although they do think they are right (if you think that you are right then that is a fact which others can’t take away from you, I mean your freedom to think so). If we are discussing relatively trivial thing like whether potatoes are without any doubt the best source of healthy food or whether Liverpool FC is better than MUFC (not trivial to some!), differing opinions do not matter that much. But in philosophical and religious matters, people are dealing with what they think is the “Ultimate Truth”, the Big "T". If this truth, for example, includes acceptance of an afterlife it has consequences not only for that person but for their loved ones, their friends. For those with evangelical tendencies, it matters in an even wider context in view of what they consider as their duty towards the human race, and their lies the danger to society. There is the real danger of using unacceptable methods which are justified in their own minds as "the end justifies the means"- the motive was good.

We have no irrefutable proof of a God or karma or an immutable soul, or of an after-life. People of high intelligence, people who have read widely and people who have championed the scientific method of interpreting evidence still have amongst them, believers in God, believers in karma, believers in a soul, believers in Heaven, atheists and so on. Intelligence and “how clever you are” clearly has nothing to do with it. It is far more likely that the culture you were born into is the critical factor. It is clear to me that belief systems are what you as a person are most comfortable with in making sense of life and its trials and tribulations. The need for proof, verifiable evidence is all subsidiary. Most often, people seek “evidence” for what they have already decided is correct,

What do all this mean? A claim to know the truth can only be a viewpoint. It would be unwise to regard yourself as someone who has realised the truth. You are entitled to hold the belief that you do know the truth but you have no entitlement for your fellow humans also to accept it and to regard those who disagree with you as misled (again I make the distinction that you may not be able to stop thinking so but if so please keep it to yourself!)

We are part of a community. We have our obligations towards that community and self-interest has to be overridden at times to observe that. You can accept religion on the basis of your examination of it, but in observing that as part of the human community, you have no right to force any behaviour contrary to what is accepted by the community. Buddhists and Christians and Muslims and Atheists can all say they think they are right but they should be humble enough not to feel as beings with a superior state of understanding.

There is intuitive knowledge and acquired knowledge through study. Revelation and enlightenment are forms of intuitive or introspective understanding and a belief that by such means it is possible to have a true realisation of reality but examples of revelation are there in every religion and cannot be regarded as irrefutable evidence although, to the individual, it may be considered as the Truth (there are convinced people who have had a dialogue with Christ, with the Buddha, with Allah). Philosophers have done this throughout history by just introspection and rumination.In summary, by all means, be intuitive, meditate, study and learn but be humble and regard the most important requirement that others could expect from you and vice versa are humility, understanding, empathy, a feeling of responsibility for generations to follow and for the precious planet we inhabit.

People have different needs. The feeling of reverence, ecstasy and Peace some achieve through rituals and worship is very important to them, especially when they are faced with what appear to be insurmountable difficulties and even if you think they are irrational, recognise how important it is for them. So long as they don’t interfere with the accepted norms and laws of Society (a rather silly example is that you may think it is within your rights to physically assault a disobedient son but you cannot do so) they can believe in what comforts them.

People should be allowed to hang on to any belief system they fancy but with the proviso that they keep within the moral rules and behaviour expected from them as part of the human race. They should also reflect on the fact that even the belief they hold today could change in time, and even change so drastically that after a few years you may say “ did I really think so?” You are at any one time a complex collection of beliefs, memories, views, needs and wants, conditioned by the past and by the expectations of the future.

I personally believe that only Science is capable of solving the riddle of Reality. One big question to answer is whether there is a reality beyond what the Human senses can perceive and the conundrum that we use the very thing we are trying to understand when we attempt to make sense of Consciousness (whatever that means judging by the huge range of definitions given to it!)